Steelhead Fishing in Humboldt County On an Unnamed Creek
On a secret creek in the windswept North Coast with no Redwoods to slow the breeze we set out on foot. The creek appeared to have current, but that was mostly from the howling wind. Clear water flowed, birds chirped and the elk meandered, but the steelhead had already pushed upstream. There were a few cutthroat taking bugs and that was the totality of the piscatorial interactions.
Fly fishing is as much about the day on the river as catching fish.Yesterday was no exception. We tromped about 1 mile in a wide circle to get from the truck to the creek, avoiding water as deep as 8 feet. When we got to the creek to throw the little spruce pattern, there were a few tracks from other fisherman, but it looked like on 3 or 4 in weeks. The otter looked well fed and so did the elk.
I have been wearing the new Korkers Chrome. They are the most comfortable wading boot I have worn yet. There are a number of useful innovations, including the new boa gear system and the space age material they are made from. 13 days on the river and no signs of wear. I highly recommend them.